Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Making Scents

Hannah Follis is one of the candle makers at her job. People ask, "Why she smells so good?" and she tells herself that her job makes her smell good. She mixes candles and makes sure their smell is so good that people would want to buy more of her products. She always loved the fragrances of candles and perfume. She is also a research and development chemist at Illume, a candle manufacturer in Bloomington, Minn.

Getting Nose In The Door... Hannah Follis loved biology and the manufacturer is biology because it has to do with the sense of smell. Some of her classmates in High School slept in class and she loved science. So i think thats how she became a candle mixture. She graduated from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, she majored in biology and chemistry. After she graduated, she wanted to go into the laboratory. She found out that she is very good at what smells good and begin to mix candles. They find intresting chemicals to fit their products and they use their combinations they choose and squirt it and smell to see if it is the right formula they were reaching for.

Masterful Scents...Illume's master perfumes extract essential oils from fruits, flowers, bark, or leaves amd mix them with other chemicals to make a frangrance. Its all about the smell of what you would wear and how they made the smell. Smell so good, but their is other ways to know, but you would have to be a master at chemist. They test their products to see if its not going to kill us. But being masterful at it shouldn't be a problem because you wear the smell and you get other people to wear it and see if they like it.

Sniffing Out The Future...Learning what you love can get you to places, say for instints Hannah Follis loved biology and now she works for a candle company. If you love a subject in school then you will know what you want to do in the future just do what you love. If something interestes you just try and stick with what you enjoy.


a person said...

i have a question what do you think about that job? to me it seems interesting so yea. but its not the job for me.

Slipperz said...

well this article seem's intersting. i mean by the way you talk about it in your own words.i would like a job like this because it sounds fun and beside will always "Smell GOOD" .....lol...
Oh yea, i have a question for you
Would you want this job if it was offered to you?

♥Char-Smell said...

Well To Me That Sounded Like A Gooood Article.. Makes Me Think Of Somem Smelly But A Good Smell!

MeLiSsA said...

This is an interesting article and the way she wrote it and talked about it.

Anonymous said...

GOod summary.
This job wouldn't always be right for everybody. Scents can sometimes give people headaches, which is not good.
The way you wrote your summary was actually pretty interesting.

NaTuRe BoY Blog said...

your not making sense in this making scent article jk jk nice work i like it